Labels:box | bulletin board | dialog box | hakham | shelf | window OCR: THE FOUR MAJOR CLINICOPATHOLOGICAL TYPES OF PRIMARY THYROID CARCINOMA Dlstrlbutlon of Prognosis: Clinicopathalogical Subtypes Deaths Within Types 10-20 Yoars microcarcinoma less than 1% papillary 60-70% intrathyroid less than 59 extrathyroid: more than 50% microangioinvasive less than 5% folticular 15-20% angioinvasive: more than 50% anaplastic 10-15% 100% confined thyroid less than medullary 5-10% with lymph node metastases more than 50% Distrlbution Tvoes papillan intrathvroid thar tess follicular confinec gland inode 15091